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Leonardo Ramirez-Guzman

Work experience
Professor and Researcher. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.

January, 2017 - present

Associate Professor and Researcher. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.

January, 2012 - 2016


English (Fluent)

Spanish (Fluent)

French (Literate)

Key Research Interests

Earthquake Seismology and Earthquake Engineering


Numerical Methods and High Performance Computing

Post-doctoral Researcher for the USGS. Contracted through Synergetics, Inc. 

ā€‹October, 2008 - December, 2011


MS Thesis: Approximate Green's Function for a Heterogeneous Medium: Derivation and Applications (in Spanish).

Advisor: Francisco J. Sanchez-Sesma

Honors BS Thesis: Dynamic Response of Earth and Rockfill Dams (in Spanish)

Advisor: Francisco J. Sanchez-Sesma

Relevant Coursework: General Theory of Structures (I-II), Structural Dynamics, Finite Element Method, Structural Instability


Computational Mechanics Group

Doctoral Thesis: Earthquake Source Mechanics and Wave Propagation in Sedimentary Basins

Advisor: Jacobo Bielak

Relevant Coursework: Continuum Mechanics, Dislocation Mechanics, Inelasticity

Teaching Assistantships:

Structural Analysis. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Undergraduate level. Fall 2007.

Finite Element Method. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Graduate level. Fall 2004 and Fall 2006.

Solid Mechanics. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Undergraduate level. Fall 2005.


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Mexico City, Mexico.

ā€‹2000-2002 MS in Structural Engineering

1994-1999 BS in Civil Engineering

ā€‹2002-2008 PhD in Civil Engineering Carnegie Mellon University. Pittsburgh, PA. USA.
Classes Taught

Strong Ground Motion Seismology.

Undergraduate level.


Vector Calculus.  Undergraduate level.

Fall 2012.

Honors and Awards

Member of the Mexican National Sysmtem of Researchers (SNI I).


Winner First EERI Annual Graphics Competition (2008), coauthor.


Winner Super Computing HPC Analytics Challenge (2006), coauthor.

Invited Talks


Synthetic ground motion system for structural design and evaluation in Mexico City
International Workshop on Ground Motion Simulation Validation, September 2016.
City-Soil Interaction in the Valley of México, Seismic Waves and Diffuse Fields.

AXA-UNAM Workshop. UNAM. October 2013.


Earthquake Ground Motion Simulations in the Central United States.

Dix Seminar. California Institute of Technology. March 2011.


Leonardo Ramirez


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