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Professor and Researcher/
Investigador Instituto de Ingenieria UNAM




I obtained my undergraduate and Master's degrees in Civil Engineering at the National University of Mexico (UNAM) in 1998 and 2002, respectively. From Mexico City, I moved to Pittsburgh, PA and completed my doctoral studies at Carnegie Mellon University under Jacobo Bielak. I completed the degree in 2008.  


At CMU, I was a part of the Quake Project and participated in the first ShakeOut scenario simulations. I was fortunate to be a member of the team that won the Analytics Challenge Supercomputing Prize in 2006 and the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute's Annual Graphics Prize in 2008. 


In 2008, I began a 3.5-year post-doctoral position as a researcher on the Geologic Hazards Team at the USGS' Golden, CO office. During my appointment at the USGS, I constructed a crustal velocity model and coordinated a group that performed 3D simulations of the New Madrid (Central United States) region. 


Today, I am a professor and researcher in the Engineering Seismology Group at UNAM's Institute of Engineering. I lead many of the activities of the Mexican Seismic Network project and teach, in addition to working on other research projects and lead the Seismic Instrumentation Unit. 


My research ranges across several areas, including strong ground motion studies, historical seismicity, dynamic rupture, source inversion, and numerical methods as applied to large scale wave propagation problems. 


July 16, 2019 M3.0 Earthquakes in Mexico City. Felt perception.

Leonardo Ramirez


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